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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 790
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
20-Nov-1938Government orders to be issued on Irvine committee report: A peep into the affairs of the Indian Institute of Science--
8-Jul-1938Bangalore Indian Science Institute: Efforts to retain Sir C.V. Raman's services--
28-Nov-1937Indian science congress: British delegates for jubilee session--
1935Sir C.V. Raman's resignation-The Leader, 1935
1937Sound waves: Sir C.V. Raman on his experiments - Russian scientists' work--
1970Sir C. V. Raman's address: danger to young scientists--
30-Oct-1937Calcutta Science Congress: Sir James Jeans to preside - A distinguished scientist--
23-Nov-1937Paris Palace of Discovery: Sir C.V. Raman's impression - Scientists work for peace-The Hindu, 23rd November 1937
8-Dec-1935Sir C.V.Raman on Indian Talkies: language problem and a tip-The Sunday Times, 8th December, 1935
28-Feb-1939Ceded districts college day: Sir C. V. Raman's address-The Hindu, 1939
1928Matteucci Medal awarded to Dr. Raman - India's pride: highest honour by Italian Society of Science--
1970Sir C.V. Raman: visit to educational institutions in Poona--
1970Professor C.V. Raman: back from foreign tour--
1970"Five Weeks in Soviet Russia" : Prof. Raman's third lecture--
1970Retrenchment in research: Dr. Sir C.V. Raman's views--
8-Jun-1939Noblest of all industries: Sir C. V. Raman on education - Tribute to individual philanthropists-The Hindu, 8th June, 1939
21-Nov-1939Nuclear physics and cyclotron: Sir C.V. Raman on Prof. Lawrence's work--
23-Dec-1938India's power resources: Utilisation of charcoal - Mr. S.V. Kamesam's lecture-The Hindu, 23rd December 1938
21-Jun-1936Biographical cameos - No. V.: Sir C. V. RamanRaman, T.A.The Illustrated Weekly of India, 1936
1947Science academy for India : Sir C.V. Raman welcomes decision-The Hindustan Times, 1947
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 221 to 240 of 790