Newspaper Clippings : [790] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 790
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
23-Oct-1946Encouragement of Indian talent : Sir C.V. Raman call to youth--
11-Mar-1947Purpose of education : Sir C.V. Raman's appeal-The Hindu, 11st March, 1947
29-Dec-1946National Academy of Sciences-The Hindu, 29th December 1946
23-Dec-1946Indian Academy of Sciences--
11-Jan-1946Progress in pure science in the U.S. Sir K.S. Krishnan's impressions--
10-Sep-1945Craftsmanship and science : Sir C .V. Raman's address--
4-Dec-1944Services of Babu Rajendra Prasad : Tributes at Patna public meeting-The Hindu, 04th December, 1944
1935Indian Academy of Sciences--
1933Professor Raman and the atom: address at Nagpur--
1933Importance of mathematics to science: criticism of Compton theory by Dr.Raman--
12-Nov-1939Moral re-armament movement: speeches at Bangalore meeting--
11-Nov-1939Denominational schools should go, says Miss Young - Sir C. V. Raman on moral rearmament--
26-May-1938Sir C. V. Raman declines to sign contract : Bangalore Science Institute Council's decision--
1928Indian Scientist honoured: tribute to Dr. Raman by German savant--
26-Mar-1937Honorary LL.D., degree for distinguished Indians: Bombay university special convocation--
1970India's contributions to science: task for new universities--
1970Madras Library Association: annual gathering - Lord Erskine's speech--
27-Apr-1958C. V. Raman for Moscow: C. M.'s Party-The Deccan Herald, 1958
11-Jan-1958Prevention of war: Responsibility of scientists - Dr. C. V. Raman's appeal-The Hindu, 11th January, 1958
5-Jan-1958Top Honours-The Deccan Herald, 5th January, 1958
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 241 to 260 of 790