Newspaper Clippings : [790] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 790
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
30-Apr-1956Basis of religion: Value of human personality-The Hindu, 1956
27-Dec-1956Behaviour of crystals: Study of X-ray effect - Dr. C. V. Raman's analysis-The Hindu, 1956
17-Jun-1956Behaviour of crystals: Dr. C. V. Raman's new thesis - Einstein's theory proved--
21-Mar-1949Presidency College-minister on plan for reorganisation: meeting of provincial education board-The Hindu, 21st March, 1949
12-Apr-1949Late Dr.Sahni: Sir C.V.Raman's tribute-The Hindu, 12th April 1949
20-May-1953Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore: Sir C. V. Raman's contibutions to the Scientific field-Janavani, 20th May 1953
16-Mar-1953Silver Jubilee of Raman effect: Tributes from world's leading scientists-The Hindu, 16th March, 1953
17-Aug-1955Raman debunks Cauchy's theory of elasticity-The Deccan Herald, 17th August, 1955
5-Aug-1955C. V. Raman defines patriotism-The Deccan Herald, 1955
20-Aug-1955Elasticity: Dr. C. V. Raman's theory--
5-Aug-1955Land gifts for schools: movement in Mysore inaugurated-The Hindu, 5th August 1955
22-Nov-1949Making India great-Universities role: Dr.C.V.Raman's address at Jaipur Convocation--
29-Nov-1949Study of precious stones: scientists talk--
10-Mar-1949Care of the human eye : Sir C .V. Raman's appeal , Opthalmologists conference in the city-The Hindu, 1949
7-Mar-1949Private enterprise and Industry : Sir C. V. Raman's analysis--
2-Sep-1949Science debt to photography : Sir C. V. Raman's address-The Hindu, 2nd September, 1949
10-Mar-1949Research in ophthalmology formation of institute urged--
21-Sep-1955Thermal effect on solids: Raman expounds new theory--
1951Dr. Prasad's address at science academy--
1945Crystal dynamics--
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 281 to 300 of 790