Newspaper Clippings : [790] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 790
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
28-May-1948Dr Raman back in India from ParisNewspaper Clippings-
1-May-1948Tributes to Sir C V Raman on the receipt of Bordeaux award--
8-Apr-1948Bordeaux doctorate for Sir C V Raman--
18-Jan-1948Science and culture : Sir C .V.Raman's address--
16-Nov-1948"Time and Science" Sir C.V.Raman's address--
7-Feb-1948"His life can never be forgotten" : Sir C.V.Raman tribute to Mahatma Gandhi broadcast from All-India Radio--
16-Feb-1963Czech honour for C V Raman : Science academy membership-The Hindu, 1963
16-Nov-1948Sir C.V.Raman on the comet--
11-Nov-1948Common language of India : Sir C .V. Raman urges retention of English--
17-Nov-1948Museum of crystals--
1-Jan-1948Sir C V Raman's appeal--
18-Feb-1948Gandhiji's sayings in text-books : Sir C V Raman on best form of memorial-The Hindu, 1948
25-Mar-1948Scientists to confer at Bordeaux--
26-Mar-1948X-Ray reflections in crystals : Sir C V Raman's researches--
5-Jan-1948Indian Science congress : Mr Daulatram's address--
3-Jan-1948Value of private enterprise : Sir C V Raman's call to Industrialists--
1-Mar-1948Letters to the editor : Scientific terms and the mother-toungue comments on Sir C V Raman statement on teaching science through vernacular medium.-The Hindu, 1st March 1948
20-Dec-1937At the exhibition--
10-Oct-1937A scientist in his teens: a biography of Sir C.V.Raman--
20-Dec-1966Only one vision says C V Raman-The Deccan Herald, 20th December, 1966
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 361 to 380 of 790