Newspaper Clippings
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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 381 to 400 of 790
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Citation |
21-May-1937 | Sir C.V.Raman honoured: Hungarian Academy of Science membership | - | - |
17-Oct-1937 | Officially kept off: India at the Paris exposition- Gandhiji & Raman-a visitors impressions | - | - |
10-Sep-1937 | World Physics Congress : Sir C.V.Raman to attend | - | The Hindu, 10th September, 1937 |
6-Aug-1937 | Marconi commemoration: great scientist who had also qualities of businessman -Sir C.V. Raman's tributes at Bangalore gathering | - | - |
2-Jan-1948 | Indian Mathematical Conference | - | - |
29-Feb-1948 | Welfare of the common man : Sir C V Raman on scope of scientific research | - | The Hindu, 29th February, 1948 |
26-Dec-1954 | Dr. C. V. Raman throws light on Amethyst: Its nature and origin | - | The Deccan Herald, 1954 |
26-Dec-1954 | Dr. Raman's findings on nature of Amethyst: Different from anything so far suggested | - | The Times of India, 1954 |
24-Aug-1954 | "Fascicular gypsum" Raman's new find | - | The Deccan Herald, 1954 |
15-Aug-1947 | Freedom for the individual | - | The Indian Express, 1947 |
18-Apr-1937 | India's economic development- need for leadership and planning: Sir C.V.Raman on scientists role | - | The Hindu, 18th April 1937 |
19-Apr-1937 | India's need to-day-give someone a free hand- | - | The Madras Mail, 19th April 1937 |
27-Dec-1954 | Indian Scientists meeting begins at Belgaum | - | Samyukta Karnataka, 27th December 1954 |
28-Dec-1954 | Indian Academy of Sciences: The Annual Meet comes to an end | - | Samyukta Karnataka, 28th December 1954 |
30-Dec-1954 | Science and Engineering: Scienec is not for destruction but for the benefit of humanity | - | Samyukta Karnataka, 30th December, 1954 |
1970 | Scientists should have highest desire for finding the truth and the essence of matter | - | - |
23-Jul-1937 | Indian Institute of Science | - | Tainadu, 23rd July 1937 |
4-Jun-1937 | Sir C.V.Raman and the Indian Institute of Science | - | Tainadu, 4th June, 1937 |
24-Sep-1936 | Sir.C.V.Raman | - | Tainadu, 24th September, 1936 |
18-Sep-1933 | Importance of journalism and its sanctity | - | Tainadu, 18th September 1933 |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 381 to 400 of 790