Newspaper Clippings : [790] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 401 to 420 of 790
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
1936Tata Institute: ultrasonics discoveries--
1970Music: Lecture by Sir C.V.Raman--
21-Apr-1937The scientist looks at it-The Western Star, 21st April, 1937
1937Tata Institute's Council Meeting: Will Sir C.V.Raman remain as Physics Professor?--
6-Sep-1938Engineering College Association: Speech by Sir C.V.Raman--
10-Dec-1937The late Lord Rutherford: Sir C.V.Raman's tribute--
1929The Indian Science Congress (Incomplete clipping)--
10-Apr-1936Assessing scientific values in money- Sir C.V.Raman condemns modern tendency: science and problem of poverty-joint conference associations in Bangalore--
25-Jul-1936Science and nature: new concepts of matter-Sir C.V.Raman's lecture-The Hindu, 25th July, 1936
6-Aug-1936Research in science- obstacles to progress : Sir C.V. Raman's address -utilitarian outlook deprecated-The Hindu, 6th August, 1936
6-Oct-1946Arts notes and comments by D G Vyas on Sir C V Raman address at annual session of the Ceylon Association of Science held at ColomboVyas, D.G.The Bombay Chronicle weekly, 6th October 1946
15-Aug-1948India freedom day : celebration in U S--
5-Aug-1936Path of science should be made easy: to benefit humanity, says Sir C.V.Raman-danger to progress if nothing but practical results demanded/devotion to knowledge for its own sake essential to development-The Madras Mail, 5th August, 1936
29-Apr-1936An important scientific discovery: result of research at Indian Institute of Science-diffraction of light waves-The Madras Mail, 1936
25-Jul-1934Science and nature: new concepts of matter-Sir C.V.Raman's lecture-The Hindu, 25th July, 1934
17-Feb-1963Photograph-The Hindu, 17th February, 1963
20-Dec-1965Raman explodes colour myth-The Indian Express, 20th December, 1965
1970Passion increases zest for life, says C.V. Raman--
23-Dec-1966Scientific research in India : Dr. C V Raman's advice to scholars-The Hindu, 23rd December, 1966
22-Dec-1966No brain drain-The Deccan Herald, 22nd December, 1966
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 401 to 420 of 790