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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 441 to 460 of 790
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Nov-1944Photo by A B Mathur: Col. Sir Kailash Haksar delivering his address at the Convocation of the Allahabad University-Amrita Bazar Patrika, November, 1944
28-Oct-1944Sir C V Raman : scientist... not a salesman-Blitz, 28th October, 1944
3-Jul-1948Progress of Indian Science Institute : Sir Ardeshir Dalal's review--
26-Jul-1948Duty of Scientists : Sir C .V. Raman's advice--
1948America To-day : C V Raman's Impressions--
28-Sep-1948Opportunity for youth in U. S : Sir C V Raman's impressions--
8-May-1948Fascinating story of the Diamond-The Indian Express, 1948
20-Jul-1948World Bank Council--
22-Sep-1946A beam of light-Ceylon observer, 1946
16-Dec-1960Opthalmic research: Dr. C V Raman stresses value - conference in Vellore-The Hindu, 16th December, 1960
22-Sep-1946Sir Venkata Raman says : there are four forms of diamonds--
13-Apr-1947Scientific research in rural centres : Sir C.V. Raman explains India's need-The Hindu, 13th April, 1947
23-Sep-1946Structural forms of diamonds : Sir C V Raman explains his new experimental discovery-The Free Press, 23th September, 1946
13-Sep-1948Life in America : Sir C V Raman's impression-The Hindu, 13th September 1948
13-Feb-1947National Academy of Sciences for India : merger of various scientific groups--
1970Note on scheme for inviting prominent scientists and experts from outside.-New Hyderabad, 1970
31-Dec-1947Sir C V Raman on scientific terms--
28-Dec-1947Science and needs of comman man : Sir C V Raman on duty of research workers--
11-Jan-1947Science needs devoted study : Sir C V Raman's advice to students--
1935The first annual meeting of the Indian Academy of Sciences--
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 441 to 460 of 790