Newspaper Clippings
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This collection contains newspaper clippings from the Raman Archives. The documents are in an image file format called "TIFF".
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All items in RRI Digital Repository are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 461 to 480 of 790
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Citation |
16-Mar-1953 | Sir C. V. Raman - a biographical study | Krishnan, R.S. | The Hindu, 16th March, 1953 |
16-Mar-1953 | Aid to study of basic problems | Bhagavantam, S. | The Hindu, 1953 |
16-Mar-1953 | The Raman Research Institute. | Ramaseshan, S. | The Hindu, 16th March, 1953 |
1970 | Great Indian scientist: tribute to Sir C.V.Raman | - | - |
1935 | Delegates to the Mysore Engineers' Conference | - | - |
1935 | Annual meeting of the Indian Academy of Sciences | - | - |
2-Oct-1946 | Phenomenon of the "Brocken Bow". Sir. C.V. Raman on some optical effects | - | The Hindu, 2nd October, 1946 |
1970 | Potentialities of high frequency vibrations: Sir C.V.Raman explains puzzle that confronts scientists | - | - |
1936 | Confusion of ideals: Indian Institute of Science-Sir Venkata Raman's review | - | - |
19-Sep-1946 | New light on the diamond : Sir C V Raman explains his theory | - | - |
22-Sep-1946 | Structure of Diamond : Sir C V Raman's exposition | - | The Hindu, 22nd September, 1946 |
24-Oct-1946 | Science alone is not enough : Sir C V Raman pleads | - | The Mail, 24th October, 1946 |
1970 | Bombay's great science future: prophecy by Sir C.V.Raman | - | - |
1938 | Harnessing science to nation's service: Institute serves as link with scientific world abroad, says Sir C.V.Raman | - | The Bombay Chronicle |
30-Mar-1936 | Sir Radhakrishnan's portrait unveiled: Sir C.V.Raman's tribute | - | - |
1935 | Indian Academy of Sciences: first annual meeting-Sir C.V.Raman's appeal for funds | - | - |
1935 | Scientists at lunch | - | - |
31-Oct-1944 | Hony. degrees recommended : Patna 'Varsity silver jubilee | - | The Free Press of India, 31 October 1944 |
4-Nov-1944 | Doctorates conferred on Raman and Gurtu: Allahabad University convocation | - | The Sunday Leader, 1944 |
1944 | Sir C Venkata Raman : U.S. comments on Indian scientist | - | The Hindustan Standard, 1944 |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 461 to 480 of 790