Newspaper Clippings
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This collection contains newspaper clippings from the Raman Archives. The documents are in an image file format called "TIFF".
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All items in RRI Digital Repository are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved.
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 481 to 500 of 790
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Citation |
17-Nov-1944 | Sir C V Raman at Guntur | - | The Indian Express, 17th November, 1944 |
24-Nov-1943 | Secrets of the diamond : Sir C V Raman's new work | - | The Hyderabad, 24th November, 1943 |
5-Nov-1960 | City chat : Brilliant scientist | V.R.R. | The Deccan Herald, 1960 |
8-Oct-1960 | Vision and colour : New discoveries of Dr. C V Raman | - | The Hindu, 8th October, 1960 |
8-Oct-1960 | Photo-chemical theory of vision obselete : Raman | - | - |
29-Dec-1960 | The story of the earth : Dr. Bhagavantam's address | - | The Hindu, 29th December, 1960 |
17-Jan-1961 | Varsities must strive for human progress | - | The Deccan Herald, 17th January, 1961 |
30-Dec-1960 | Instrumental music : Dr. C V Raman's thesis | - | The Hindu, 30th December 1930 |
28-Dec-1960 | Comments : The Raman chair | - | The Deccan Herald, 1960 |
28-Dec-1960 | Madras university to institute Raman chair in sciences | - | The Madras Mail, 28th December 1960 |
1947 | Photographs of the convocation | - | - |
27-Dec-1960 | Perception of colour : functioning of the retina | - | The Hindu, 27th December, 1960 |
21-Jan-1960 | Absence of 'ferric' content in human blood : cause of colour-blindness | - | The Deccan Herald, 21st January, 1960 |
1-Apr-1960 | Human factor in industry : Dr. C V Raman's advice. | - | The Hindu, 1st April 1960 |
12-Dec-1947 | Sir C V Raman's lecture | - | - |
20-Dec-1965 | Yellow sector plays major role in spectrum | - | The Hindu, 20th December, 1965 |
10-Apr-1960 | The pursuit of science | - | The Deccan Herald, 10th April, 1960 |
26-Apr-1960 | Anniversary celebrations : Neglect of science will hamper industrial progress | - | The Deccan Herald, 1960 |
28-May-1960 | Perception of colour : Dr. C V Raman's new technique | - | The Hindu, 28th May, 1960 |
24-Mar-1960 | Liquid airplant demonstrated | - | The Deccan Herald, 24th March 1960 |
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 481 to 500 of 790