Newspaper Clippings : [790] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 501 to 520 of 790
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
28-May-1960Viewing own retina in acton-The Deccan Herald, 28th May, 1960
15-Nov-1959Dr. C V Raman is seventy two : Fame spresd overseas at eighteenNageswaran, K.A.The Deccan Herald, 1959
27-Oct-1959Mysore University honours C V Raman--
27-Oct-1959Pursuit of knowledge : Dr. C V Raman's call to graduates-The Hindu, 27th October, 1959
1-Oct-1944They revive our ancient glory : Gallery of India's scientists: New vistas of research: Western savants rivalled: Some outstanding men-The Sunday Times, 1st October, 1944
1944New theory of matter in soild state : Sir C V Raman's researches in diamonds--
1944Agriculture and industry : both should be developed: Sir C V Raman on post-war planning-The Madras Mail, 1944
14-Sep-1944The Nature of beauty : Sir C V Raman's address--
11-Dec-1943To acquaint China with work in India: Sir. C.V. Raman on his ensuing visit--
8-Apr-1944Indian Academy of Sciences: C.V. Raman on triumph of optical science--
1944Nature the best school of art : C V Raman on aesthetics: principle of preservation of life--
19-Dec-1943New theory on solid state : Sir C V Raman's address--
15-Jan-1944Lucknow university convocation--
18-Dec-1943Science and culture : Sir C V Raman's address--
7-Mar-1947Sir C V Raman on value of Libraries--
1970A scientist entertained-The Madras Mail, 1970
15-Jan-1933Scientific reminiscences: Chandrasekhar Venkata RamanSaha, Meghnad-
18-Dec-1932Nobel's Foundation: how the Nobel prizes are awardedVon Otter, Baron Casten FrederickThe Hindu Illustrated Weekly, 18th December, 1932
3-Jan-1929New theory of radiation: Sixteenth Session of Indian Science Congress: Dr.Raman's address- an interesting and momentous discovery in physics--
15-Jan-1963Crystalline state of matter : C V Raman explains hypotheses--
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 501 to 520 of 790