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Title: Condensation and intermittency in an open boundary aggregation-fragmentation model.
Authors: Sachdeva, Himani
Barma, Mustansir
Rao, Madan
Issue Date: 12-Apr-2013
Publisher: American Physical Society
Citation: Physical Review Letters, 2013, Vol. 110, p150601
Abstract: We study real space condensation in aggregation-fragmentation models where the total mass is not conserved, as in phenomena such as cloud formation and intracellular trafficking. We study the scaling properties of the system with influx and outflux of mass at the boundaries using numerical simulations, supplemented by analytical results in the absence of fragmentation. The system is found to undergo a phase transition to an unusual condensate phase, characterized by strong intermittency and giant fluctuations of the total mass. A related phase transition also occurs for biased movement of large masses, but with some crucial differences which we highlight.
Description: Open Access
ISSN: 0031-9007
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Copyright: 2013 American Physical Society
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (TP)

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