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Title: Energy dependant orbital modulation of X-rays and constraints on emission of the jet in Cyg X-3
Authors: Zdziarski, Andrzej A.
Maitra, Chandreyee
Frankowski, Adam
Skinner, Gerald K.
Misra, Ranjeev
Keywords: radiation mechanisms
gamma rays
High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena
Issue Date: 21-Oct-2012
Publisher: Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society
Citation: Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society, 2012, Vol. 426, p1031
Abstract: We study the orbital modulation of X-rays from Cyg X-3, using data from Swift, INTEGRAL and RXTE. Using the wealth of data presently available and an improved averaging method, we obtain energy-dependent folded and averaged light curves with unprecedented accuracy. We find that above ∼5 keV the modulation depth decreases with increasing energy, which is consistent with the modulation being caused by both bound-free absorption and Compton scattering in the stellar wind of the donor, with minima corresponding to the highest optical depth, which occurs around the superior conjunction. We find a decrease of the depth below ∼3 keV, which appears to be due to re-emission of the absorbed continuum by the wind in soft X-ray lines. Based on the shape of the folded light curves, any X-ray contribution from the jet in Cyg X-3, which emits γ-rays detected at energies >0.1 GeV in the soft spectral states, is found to be minor up to ∼100 keV. This implies the presence of a rather sharp low-energy break in the jet MeV-range spectrum. We also calculate phase-resolved RXTE X-ray spectra and show that the difference between the spectra corresponding to phases around superior and inferior conjunctions can indeed be accounted for by the combined effect of bound-free absorption in an ionized medium and Compton scattering.
Description: Restricted Access. An open-access version is available at (one of the alternative locations)
ISSN: 0035-8711
1365-2966 (Online)
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Copyright: 2012 The Author(s)
Appears in Collections:Research Papers (A&A)

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