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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 856
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
Apr-2021Transmission in a Fano-Anderson chain with a topological defectNehra, Ritu; Ramachandran, Ajith; Wuster, Sebastian; Sharma, AudityaPhysical Review B, 2021, Vol.103, p155111
Jun-2021Entanglement entropy of causal set de Sitter horizonsSurya, Sumati; X, Nomaan; Yazdi K, YasamanClassical and Quantum Gravity, 2021, Vol. 38, p115001
Feb-2021Topological aspects of periodically driven non-Hermitian Su-Schrieffer-Heeger modelVyas, Vivek M.; Roy, DibyenduPhysical Review B, 2021, Vol.103, p075441
Feb-2021Gravitational Dynamics—A Novel Shift in the Hamiltonian ParadigmAshtekar, Abhay; Varadarajan, MadhavanUniverse 2021, Vol.7, Iss. 1, 13.
Feb-2021Entropy and the link action in the causal set path-sumMathur, Abhishek; Singh, Anup Anand; Surya, SumatiClassical and Quantum Gravity, 2021, Vol.38, 045017
Jan-2021Of Light and Shadows ; Raychaudhuri’s Equation, the Big Bang and Black HolesSamuel, J.Resonance, 2021, Jan., Vol.26, p47-60
Jan-2021Optimal control in pandemicsSamuel, J.; Sinha, SupurnaPhysical Review E, 2021, Vol.103, L010301
Dec-2020Manifold properties from causal sets using chainsKambor, Joachim; Nomaan, XClassical and Quantum Gravity, 2020, Vol.38, p025012
Dec-2020Random matrix spectral form factor in kicked interacting fermionic chainsRoy, Dibyendu; Prosen, TomažPhysical Review E, 2020, Vol.102, Article No.060202(R)
Nov-2020Run-and-tumble particles in two dimensions under stochastic resetting conditionsSantra, Ion; Basu, Urna; Sabhapandit, SanjibJournal of Statistical Mechanics:Theory and Experiment, 2020, Article No.113206
Nov-2020Active Brownian motion in two dimensions under stochastic resettingKumar, Vijay; Sadekar, Onkar; Basu, UrnaPhysical Review E, 2020, Vol. 102, Article No.052129
Nov-2020Freezing Transition in the Barrier Crossing Rate of a Diffusing ParticleSabhapandit, Sanjib; Majumdar, Satya N.Physical Review Letters 2020, Vol.125, p200601
Oct-2020Coarse-grained second-order response theoryMüller, Fenna; Basu, Urna; Sollich, Peter; Krüger, MatthiasPhysical Review Research, 2020, Vol.2, p043123
Oct-2020A criterion for covariance in complex sequential growth modelsSurya, Sumati; Zalel, StavClassical and Quantum Gravity, 2020, Vol.37, p195030
Aug-2020Run-and-tumble particle in inhomogeneous media in one dimensionSingh, Prashant; Sabhapandit, Sanjib; Kundu, AnupamJournal of Statistical Mechanics:Theory and Experiment, 2020, Article No.083207
Jul-2020Zero-current nonequilibrium state in symmetric exclusion process with dichotomous stochastic resettingSadekar, Onkar; Basu, UrnaJournal of Statistical Mechanics:Theory and Experiment, 2020, Article No.073209
Aug-2020Symmetry-breaking and zero-one lawsDowker, Fay; Sorkin, Rafael D.Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2020, Vol.37, p155007
Jun-2019Non-equilibrium quantum Langevin dynamics of orbital diamagnetic momentSatpathi, Urbashi; Sinha, SupurnaJournal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2019, Article No:063106
Aug-2020Orientational probability distribution of an active Brownian particle: an analytical studySinha, SupurnaJournal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2020, Article No.083201
Jun-2020Active velocity processes with suprathermal stationary distributions and long-time tailsBanerjee, Tirthankar; Basu, Urna; Maes, ChristianPhysical Review E, 2020, Vol.101, Article No.062130
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 61 to 80 of 856