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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 856
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)Citation
1-Jun-2022Coadjoint orbits and Kähler Structure: Examples from Coherent StatesDey, Rukmini; Samuel, J.; Vidyarthi, Rithwik S.Reports on Mathematical Physics, 2022, Vol.89, p267
6-May-2022Effect of tax dynamics on linearly growing processes under stochastic resetting: A possible economic modelSantra, IonEurophysics Letters, 2022, Vol.137, p52001
10-Dec-2021Detection of spin coherence in cold atoms via Faraday rotation fluctuationsSwar, Maheswar; Roy, Dibyendu; Bhar, Subhajit; Roy, Sanjukta; Chaudhuri, SaptarishiPhysical Review Research, 2021, Vol. 3, Article No. 043171
28-Feb-2022Invariants in Polarimetric Interferometry: a non-Abelian Gauge TheorySamuel, Joseph; Nityananda, Rajaram; Thyagarajan, NithyanandanPhysical Review Letters 2022, Vol.128, p091101
28-Feb-2022Invariants in copolar interferometry: An Abelian gauge theoryThyagarajan, Nithyanandan; Nityananda, Rajaram; Samuel, JosephPhysical Review D, 2022, Vol.105, p043019
4-Mar-2022Nonequilibrium Electrical, Thermal and Spin Transport in Open Quantum Systems of Topological Superconductors, Semiconductors and MetalsBondyopadhaya, Nilanjan; Roy, DibyenduJournal of Statistical Physics, 2022,Vol. 187, Article No. 11
3-Mar-2022Quantum Langevin dynamics of a charged particle in a magnetic field: Response function, position–velocity and velocity autocorrelation functionsBhattacharjee, Suraka; Satpathi, Urbashi; Sinha, SupurnaPramana - Journal of Physics, 2022, Vol.96, Article No. 53
Jan-2022Spacetime entanglement entropy of de sitter and black hole horizonsMathur, Abhishek; Surya, Sumati; X, NomaanClassical and Quantum Gravity, 2022, Vol. 39, p035004
24-Jan-2022Measurements and analysis of response function of cold atoms in optical molassesBhar, Subhajit; Swar, Maheswar; Satpathi, Urbashi; Sinha, Supurna; Sorkin, Rafael; Chaudhuri, Saptarishi; Roy, SanjuktaOptics Continuumm, 2022, Vol. 1, pp.171-188
May-2011SU(2) gauge theory of gravity with topological invariantsSengupta, SandipanJournal of Physics: Conference Series, 2012, Vol. 360, p012024
May-2015Dynamical transition in the temporal relaxation of stochastic processes under resettingMajumdar, Satya N.; Sabhapandit, Sanjib; Schehr, GregoryPhysical Review E, 2015, Vol 91, p052131
Feb-20112N qubit "mirror states" for optimal quantum communicationMuralidharan, S.; Karumanchi, S.; Jain, S.; Srikanth, R.; Panigrahi, P. K.European Physical Journal D, 2011, Vol.61, p757-763
Jun-2015Characterization of the LIGO detectors during their sixth science runAasi, J.; Abadie, J; Abbott, R; Abbott, T; Abernathy, M.R.; Iyer, B.R.; + 120 Co-authorsClassical and Quantum Gravity, 2015, Vol. 32, p115012
Jan-2022Record statistics for random walks and levy flights with resettingMajumdar, Satya N; Mouniax, Philippe; Sabhapandit, Sanjib; Schehr, GregoryJournal of Physics A : Mathematical and Theoretical, 2022, Vol. 55, p034002
Oct-2021Direction reversing active Brownian particle in a harmonic potentialSantra, Ion; Basu, Urna; Sabhapandit, SanjibSoft Matter, 2021, Vol. 17, p10108-10119
Sep-2021A spacetime calculation of the Calabrese-Cardy entanglement entropyMathur, Abhishek; Surya, Sumati; Nomaan, XPhysics Letters B, 2021, Vol.820, p136567
Sep-2021Erratum: "Searches for Continuous Gravitational Waves from Nine Young Supernova Remnants" (2015, ApJ, 813, 39)*Aasi, J.; Abbott, B.P.; Abbott, R.; Abbott, T.; Iyer, B.R.; +124 AuthorsThe Astrophysical Journal, 2021, Vol.918, p90
Jul-2021Brownian motion under intermittent harmonic potentialsSantra, Ion; Das, Santanu; Nath, Sujit KumarJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 2021, Vol. 54, p334001
Jul-2021Active Brownian motion with directional reversalsSantra, Ion; Basu, Urna; Sabhapandit, SanjibPhysical Review E, 2021, Vol 104, pL012601
Jun-2021Euclidean LQG dynamics: an electric shift in perspectiveVaradarajan, MadhavanClassical and Quantum Gravity, 2021, Vol.38, p135020
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 856